Recent media articles

Aftenposten, 10 June 2016 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Digitale samfunnsdilemmaer
An article about new digital dilemmas that will affect the core of our society.
Link: link

Aftenposten, 30 May 2016 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Slik taper gaarsdagens vinnere kampen om fremtiden
An article about the Nokia trap, describing and analysing the winners of yesterday as the last ones to accept the imminent disruption and its consequences for their market-leadership.
Link: link

Aftenposten, 9 March 2016 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: De gode nerdelovene
An article about the good nerd laws that govern the development of modern business and society. With Espen Andersen.
Link: link

Aftenposten, 9 February 2016 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Slutt aa dilte etter Silicon Valley
An opinion piece on why Norway should stop blindly copying Silicon Valley's model of innovation, as we have very different unique strengths and experiences, preferences and resources.
Link: link

Dagens Naeringsliv, 22 January 2016 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Fremtiden er aeraen for de smaa.
With Camilla Tepfers.

An article about the democratisation of technology and surveillance.
Link: link

Aftenposten, 17 January 2016 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Vi maa huske at voksne ogsaa er lovende
With Astrid Noklebye Heiberg.

An article about the need to re-think continuing education, and make it a part of our weekly career hygiene. For the sake of a sustainable society and the future of our work, we need to dismiss the myth of digital natives and their monopoly on digital skills.
Link: link

Dagens Naeringsliv, 06 December 2016 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Ledere maa kunne teknologi
An article about the need for top managers and leaders to understand technology, and stop flirting with the idea that it can for ever be outsourced and delegated. Technology has become the core of every strategy, and therefore every CEOs direct responsibility.
Link: link

Aftenposten, 9 October 2015 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Datafag har ikke alltid vaert dominert av menn
An article about how IT became an male-only subject; this particular road pases through pop-culture and the concept of PCs as boys toys.
Link: link

Aftenposten, 12 October 2015 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Tid for tause teknologer
An article about the need for new voices and more diversity in the public debate. The established choir works as an ossifying echo chamber.
Link: link

Digi, 12 October 2015 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Adas arv og vaar mulighet
An article about why too many women dismiss IT as a viable career option.
Link: link

Teknologiraadet, October 2015 (in Norwegian)
Rapport: Forutseende Politi
A report about predictive policing in Norway.
Link: link

Ukeavisen Ledelse, August 2015 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Profesjonalitetens paradoks
A report about leadership and innovation.
Link: link

Aftenposten, April 2015 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Er vaare byer nytenkende?
A chronicle about Bloomberg's Mayors Challenge and Oslo's innovation capacity.
Link: link

Digi, April 2015 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Verdensledende forskning i glemmeboken
A chronicle about Turing Prize, Simula and Norway's IT research policy.
Link: link

Aftenposten, March 2015 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Kvinnelige toppledere i utlandet har lite aa laere oss
A chronicle about women and leadership.
Link: link
PDF: PDF, 6. March 2015 (in English)
Article: Lessons from Norway in getting women onto corporate boards
With Cathrine Seierstad and Morten Huse
Cronicle about effectiveness of board regulation in Norway.

Article: link

Republish: link

Aftenposten, 5. June 2013 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Innovasjon paa norsk
With Dag Honningsvaag, Haavard Nord, Fredrik Syversen and Svenn Richard Andersen
Cronicle about innovation policy in Norway.

Article: link

Dagens Naeringsliv, 22. April 2013 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Flere hettegensere i styrerommet
With Morten Huse
Cronicle about new competencies in company boards.
Reprinted in BI's online newletter.

Article: PDF
Article in BI: link

Aftenposten, 1. March 2013 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Mye aa laere av Singapore
With William Klippgen
Cronicle about smart state capitalism in Singapore.
Reprinted in in Aftenposten Innsikt, 8. April 2013.

Article: HTML
Article in Innsikt: pdf part1 and pdf part2

Alarga's annual report, June 2012 (in English)
Article: Innovation through diversity
Article about corporate talent management strategies.

Annual report: PDF (my article is on pages 25-27)

Dagens Naeringsliv, 19. April 2012 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Styrene trenger mangfold
With Widar Salbuvik
Cronicle about the need for more diveristy in company boards.

Article: PDF

Aftenposten, 13. January 2012 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: Bedrifter som ser talent er fremtidens vinnere
With Dilek Ayhan
Cronicle about international talents in Norway.

Article: HTML

Aftenposten, 10. May 2010 (in Norwegian)
Kronikk: En god investering
Cronicle about the advantages of good international education.

Article: PDF
Online: HTML

Related media articles

Dagens Naeringsliv, February 2015 (in Norwegian)
A profile interview, about women, board quotas and leadership careers.
Link: link

Underveis, October 2014 (in Norwegian)
A profile interview, in a book of interviews of leading Norwegian business people.
Book: PDF
Related: link

Innovating Women, September 2014 (in English)
An article about me, written by Daniella Alpher, in an international book on innovative women in the technology space.
Article: html
Reviews: html

INSEAD, 24. January 2014 (in English)
Profile on INSEAD alumni web.
Article: html

Teknisk Ukeblad, 14. March 2013 (in Norwegian)
A short career-related interview.
Article: PDF

Teknisk Ukeblad (online), 8. March 2013 (in Norwegian)
A listing of top ten technology women in Norway.
Article: HTML

BI Student Newspaper "Inside", 21. October 2012 (in Norwegian)
Interview about Startup Weekend, where I gave a lecture about strategy and business plan creation.
Article: PDF

HegnarMedia and Abelia, 11. October 2012 (in Norwegian)
Interview with Dilek Ayhan on how to make Norway even more attractive for international talent.
Article: HTML

Evening Standard, 31 August 2012 (in English)
Does Norway know best?
It is nearly 10 years since the country legislated to get more women into the boardroom.
Pippa Crerar looks at the effects of introducing a quota.

Article: HTML

Aftenposten, 15 May 2012 (in Norwegian)
Vil skape ro for Telenor
Svein Aaser trolig valgt som ny styreleder i Telenor i morgen.
Silvija Seres foreslaas valgt blant bedriftsforsamlingens aksjonaervalgte medlemmer som nytt ordinaert medlem i Telenors nominasjonskomite.

Article: HTML, 3. March 2012 (in Norwegian)
Portrait interview.
Article: HTML

Utrop, 2. February 2012 (in Norwegian)
Joint interview with Dilek Ayhan, about multicultural talents in Norway.
Article: PDF (high def)
Page image: JPG

Aftenposten, 7. January 2012 (in Norwegian)
Interview about internationalization of boards in Norway.
Article: PDF
Page image: JPG

Kapital, 9. Sep 2011 (in Norwegian)
Profile article about Silvija, and related articles about young multicultural entrepreneurs in Norway.
Profile: HTML
Tiger cubs: PDF
Top30: PDF

Dagens Naeringsliv, 7. Dec 2010 (in Norwegian)
Article with advice to young multicultural talents on how to succeed in Norwegian market.
Profile: HTML

Die Zeit, 5. August 2010 (in German)
Article about women on boards and interview of Silvija.
Page 1: PDF
Page 2: PDF
Link with discussion: html

Dagens Naeringsliv, 10. July 2010 (in Norwegian)
Profile article about Silvija, related to her election into the Board of Directors for Statkraft.
Profile: PDF

Austrian TV, 2. March 2010 (in German)
Weltjournal, aired on ORF2 (Austria) 2011-03-02, interview with Silvija Seres & Family.
TV interview: video

E24, 9. September 2009 (in Norwegian)
Selection into the topp 10 young leadership talents in Norway.
Profile: html
All 10 top talents: html
TV interview: video (Look for "To unge, kvinnelige ledertalenter")

Dagens Naeringsliv, 15. February 2005 (in Norwegian)
Article about Fast Search and Transfer and its consulting group led by Silvija.
Profile: PDF

Papers where I have participated

For my academic publications in computer science, you can look here. For my professional papers related to search engines, you can look here.

LSE, February 2015 (in English)
Report: Innovation in Europe's Cities
Paper: link
Paper: PDF

Hamautvalget, Winter 2015 (in Norwegian)
Rapport: Grenselause pengespel: krev ny teknologi ny regulering?
Paper: link
Paper: PDF

Teknologiraadet, Summer 2015 (in Norwegian)
Rapport: Forutseende politi.
Paper: link
Paper: PDF

Teknologiraadet, Summer 2014 (in Norwegian)
Rapport: Politiet ikke paa nett med publikum.
Teknologi i politiets tjeneste.

Paper: link

Oslo Chamber Of Commerce, Winter 2013 (in Norwegian)
Rapport: Kompetanseinnvandring: Hvordan gjoer vi Norge til et foretrukket land?
Paper: link
Paper: PDF

Teknologiraadet, Spring 2010 (in Norwegian)
Raadet til Tinget: Fra Altinn til alt ut?
Offentlige data for innovasjon og demokrati

Paper: PDF

Teknologiraadet, Spring 2012 (in Norwegian)
Raadet til Tinget: En skole for fremtiden.
Smart skole med digitale laeremidler.

Paper: PDF

EWD1255 (in English) By the one and only Edsger W Dijktra.
Pruning the search tree
The one I am most fond of!

Paper: PDF


Photos for use in print or web

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Silvija Seres, June 2016